About the Individual Tax Subsidy
If you would like to secure a tax subsidy for your health insurance, please call us at 402-659-5960 or fill out the form below. We are certified to help individuals secure health insurance and their tax subsidy through the Marketplace, if qualified, and would be happy to assist you. There is a never a fee for our guidance.
Needed for The Marketplace:
Agent: Pete Larson
Request a Quote from The Marketplace
Disclaimer About the ACA Subsidy Calculator
The premium and subsidy amounts displayed on Healthcare.gov, including the Subsidy Calculator, are estimates only and the actual premium and subsidy amounts may differ. The ACA Subsidy Calculator is not legal or tax advice. The information on Healthcare.gov, including the ACA Subsidy Calculator, is from the Affordable Care Act as cited by the Health and Human Services and the Internal Revenue Service. These laws and regulations are subject to change.
If you have a change in your housefold income or family size, you must contact the Marketplace at 800-318-2596 or via your Marketplace Account. You must do this within 30 days of any changes, as they may affect the premium or subsidy amount. Premiums may vary, depending on plan availability and numerous other factors. You may incurr a penalty for failure to provide accurate data or failure to update changed data.
GoldKey Consulting Inc. Insurance Services, its employees, agents and representatives (collectively “Broker “) make no independent representations about subsidies owed and/or premiums to be paid for coverage. Any information provided to you by your broker may not be construed as tax or legal advice. Consult with your attorney and/or tax specialist for such advice.
Broker relies on the information you provide to Healthcare.gov. And, we also rely on the information provided by this site. This is how we advise you on expected and actual premiums, subsidies and/or premium tax credits. Broker accepts NO responsibility or liability with respect to premium calculations. Additionally broker accepts no responsibility regarding your subsidies/premium, tax credits owed, penalties assessed, and/or recoupment of subsidies/premium tax credits. Further, Broker is in no way liable for any information provided through Healthcare.gov including the Subsidy Calculator and makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of said information.